
FRC Video Tutorials

Brennan (4476M) has created some excellent FRC Bot tutorials for Infinite Recharge:

FRC Shooter (OG)



(Tool for aiming: Aiming circle – )

FRC Shooter

Default Joystick bindings:


  • Drive-train settings that affect speed and acceleration do not work on this model – it’s hard-coded

Ring Shooter

Default Joystick bindings:


  • You can assign movement AND turning to the same joystick (e.g. LEFT), allowing one hand to control movement and free the other hand for robot arm. This
  • is true for the “Tank” drive in general.
  • Raise-Lower Arm = D-PAD/Other Up-Down
  • Close Grip = Button X
  • Open grip = Button B

You can use the keyboard and assign keys to the above controls through the Settings->Keyboard menu.

Typical Control Setup:

Movement = Left
Turning = Left
Other = Right


  • You can assign movement AND turning to the same joystick (e.g. LEFT), allowing one hand to control movement and free the other hand for other functions. This is true for the “Tank” drive in general.  However, once holonomic drive-train is released, you will want all movement to be on one joystick. It is therefore preferred to keep movement and turning on separate joysticks.
  • Tilt Platform (to deploy cubes) = X
  • Release Grippers = Right Bumper
  • Raise Platform = D-PAD Up (if grippers aren’t activated, it will auto grip for you)
  • Lower Platform = B

You can use the keyboard and assign keys to the above controls through the Settings->Keyboard menu.